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I was born blind and with a severe facial cleft, a Tessier Cleft, in 1986.

I started school when I was 2 and a half and had people coming to my home to teach me before that.

I've had 66 reconstructive surgeries to date to build up the bone structure in my face.

I went to and graduated from public schools in December 2003, 6 months ahead of my class with a GPA above 3.0.

I am currently working on my autobiography tentatively titled, The Messenger Unveiled.

I've been doing public speaking since I was a child. Topics include blindness, Clefts *Tessier, Lip and Palate*, bullying, caring for your other children while you have a child in the hospital, and self-esteem.

I currently live with my family in Michigan.

For more information, please visit Michelle Medina Online

Today’s Brilliance from Michelle Medina

Close your eyes and see your partner with your heart, soul and hands. Follow your intuition. Explore nature with your entire being. Forget about your sight for a few hours and use your other four senses. Grant yourself the grace to simply be on your darkest days. Realize that the only one you have control over is yourself and the only one you can help is yourself. You are not responsible for what other people think, say or do. They are walking their own path and you are walking yours. Never lose your sense of humor. It may be the…

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